Monday, April 06, 2009

Current IT Trendzz March 2009

Industry News

Google in late stage talks to acquire Twitter

Didn't they already buy (and kill) a Twitter clone?

Source: Techcrunch

Linux Foundation says it's time to ditch Microsoft's FAT

Lose the fat, keep the flavour

Source: Ars Technica

A who's who of hackers

Not counting Angelina


Angry Luddites attack Google Street View car

"The peasants are revolting"

Source: Tech Radar

Surfing at work makes employees more productive

There you go: surf until the next study comes out saying it's bad

Source: Web Pro News

Developer News

Ten ways to make your boss love you - and save your job

That don't involve anything you'll regret (much)

Source: ZDNet

Coder, your days are numbered

"So start the show and this time feel the flow and get it right"

Source: Infoworld

Google advises flushing your website

A flush might not beat a full house, but it beats a full browser

Source: The Register

Developers stunted by fragmented mobile market

It's easy: just develop for iWindowsPreAndroid

Source: Infoworld

Most undergraduates 'show fear when asked to do maths'

60% of them don't understand why that's a problem

Source: The Register

Java Article Contest

Still a chance to win that trip to JavaOne

Source: The Code Project

Are you a slave to technology?

"It really makes me ... sick"

Source: The Code Project

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